This study investigated a sample of 159 soccer’s from Kosovo, 79 of them from the first league and 80 from the second league, aged 18-33 years old. The aim of the present study is to determine the motoric abilities of Kosovo’s first and second League soccer players through factorial analysis. To prove motoric abilities, 9 variables are applied: Standing long jump – SLJ, Standing high jump - SHJ, Standing triple jump - STJ, foot tapping on wall - FTW, 20m run, 50m run, ball lead slalom 20m, work with the ball – WWB, ball lead 20m in corridors - BLC20m. Motoric spaces are treated with factorial analysis and are gained three latent factors: explosive strength of lower limbs factor, speed and agility, alternative speed of lower limb factor and the ability to master the ball. After basic statistic parameter analyses in motor space is concluded that exist systematic differences in favor of the first league soccer’s.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2451
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