Although mobile phone addiction is rapidly spreading, there are few studies available in the literature on social and cultural impacts of this addiction. The concept of Phubbing is defined as individuals escaping interpersonal communication by dealing their mobile phones. In line with this information, the aim of the research is to determine the relationships between phubbing, social media addiction and narcissism structures of individuals who are interested in various levels of bodybuilding. Convenience sampling method were used to reach 319 individuals who are interested in various levels of bodybuilding. The data obtained in accordance with the objectives of the research were analyzed with two-step approach in the light of the basic principles of structural equation modeling. In this respect, confirmatory factor analysis and various validity reliability analyzes proposed by the literature were applied to the research data via AMOS22 package program. Following the validation of the research model, the structural model was tested in order to explore the relationships between the structures. As a result of the analyzes performed within the scope of the measurement model, the model was found to be valid and reliable. As a result of the analyzes performed within the scope of the measurement model, the model was found to be valid and reliable. By testing the structural model researchers found positive relationships between bodybuilding athletes' phubbing, social media loyalty and narcissism levels. The findings obtained from the research have made important contributions to the developing phubbing literature. It can be stated that bodybuilding is affected by tendencies towards social media platforms. This study sheds light on the discussions about future research.
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