The main objective of the study to analysis the effect of anxiety on performance of archers and specially the study was aimed at exploring the relationship of both trait and state anxiety. 80 subjects were taken, 34 female(42.5%) and 46 male(57.5%) and questionnaire were filled by researcher after subjects give consent for same. Competitive state anxiety inventory-2 and state trait anxiety scale were used to assess the state and trait anxiety respectively. To performance FITA round score of archers was used. Result of the study observed a significant negative correlation of trait anxiety and somatic component of CSAI-2 with the performance of archers(p<0.01). Among each other these parameter show positive relation indications. On the other side the increase the age improves the overall scoring and confidence component of the state competitive anxiety scale also shows significant positive correlation with the performance of the players.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2482
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