The research determined the Physical Education (PE) Teachers’ dance and choreography competence among government owned higher education institutions (HEIs) in Eastern Visayas Region, Philippines. These competences include subject matter, pedagogy, assessment, guidance, classroom management for dance competence, dance techniques, leadership, creativity and discipline on choreography competence. The study also examined the degree of association between the level of dance and choreography competences among PE Teachers, and investigated the problems encountered by the PE Teachers in doing dance choreography. A descriptive survey research design was used as the main data gathering tool. A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was also conducted to triangulate the validity and reliability of the generated information. The study was implemented in ten HEIs with forty university PE Teachers as research respondents. Findings revealed that PE Teachers in the study area are very competent in dance. They know what they are teaching, know how to teach, evaluate, guide students and has classroom management. The same hold true for PE Teachers dance choreography competence. They can discipline their students and know the dance technique of the dance type they teach. They possess the knowledge and the skills along the courses they teach. The finding also indicated a significant direct relationship between dance and choreography competences among tertiary PE Teachers. The most common problem encountered by PE Teachers in doing choreography is on the attitude of the dancers while least common problem pertains to the age of the students where older students are hesitant than the younger ones when told to perform. Notwithstanding the various encountered problems, PE Teachers are still very competent and resourceful with lots of initiatives on how to deliver their tasks in teaching dance choreography. They possess love and passion toward their jobs and willing to pursue what needs to be accomplished.
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