The issue of motor learning and underlying factors are widely debated. This work has a double aim, to bring out the profile of mental skills and to evaluate their correlation with performance in sport and physical education in Moroccan secondary school students. The study was based on a sample of 202 Moroccan students. We used the test Mental Skills Assessment Tool (OMSAT-3) to assess mental skills.
According to the results, the OMSAT-3 displayed a very satisfactory internal consistency, which confirms the reliability of the measurement tool. Moreover, students displayed low to moderate levels of mental skills. The statistical analysis showed that the profile of mental skills is significantly different between males and females. Also, the students of more than 17 years old had profiles different from those of 17 years old and less. Furthermore, the sport performance was positively associated with goal setting, commitment, relaxation, activation, mental imagery, mental practice and planning.
In conclusion, this work showed that mental skills influence significantly the performance of students and consequently their learning. Hard work should be done to improve these skills in high school students.
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