This research study was carried out on the game technique of badminton players during the tournament educational organizational structure for developing successful inter-collegiate and inter-department level badminton players of Sukkur region, Sindh. The study was conducted on 200 male players of Badminton. The student-players of 20 affiliated colleges (N=100) and 20 teaching departments (N=100) of Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur participated in the study through a survey questionnaire was applied for the collection of data. The results show that the majority of students were with the higher impact of democratic coaching on technical skills of the badminton players. The frequencies, percentages were differently found with the overall means such as; 2.51, 2.55, 2.41, 2.39 and 2.48, respectively which were significantly different to each other. It is concluded that this information will help the coaches to improve the techniques of badminton players. Therefore, it is suggested that the University or College level inter-collegiate and inter-department badminton tournaments should be arranged and encouraged.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Nisar Ahmed Khaskheli, Muhammad Akram Ansari, Hakim Ali Sahito, Muhammad Akhlaque Memon, Farhan Ali Khaskheli

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