Soccer is an intermittent sport in which players require an ultimate level of physical fitness. On the pitch, repeated sprint capability fulfills the physical fitness demands. Shooting accuracy is a significant attacking skill and occurs repeatedly in a match. The purpose of the present study was to know repeated sprint ability and its relationship with accuracy of soccer shooting performance of Bangladeshi young players. The study was carried out in 70 male soccer players aged between 16 to 19 years. Accuracy of soccer shooting and repeated sprint ability assessed using Loughbrough soccer shooting test and repeated sprint ability test. Data was analyzed using Pearson correlation of coefficient and multiple regression equation. The moderate relationship was found between repeated sprint ability and accuracy of soccer shooting except sprint decrement rate. It is recommended that a proper training schedule must be arranged and implemented to develop the accuracy of shooing performance. Therefore, while selecting soccer players for the team repeated sprint ability would also be taken into consideration along with the soccer technique and skills.
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