Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the violence tendency levels of U-19 team athletes in football clubs according to familial factors. Methods: In our study, 150 athletes who played football in U19 teams as licensed in amateur sports clubs participated (n = 150). The universe of the study is the football clubs in Gaziosmanpaşa district. Our sample group consists in U19 (16-19 years) team players who officially joined the football teams of Gaziosmanpaşa district. The personal information form developed by the researcher was used to learn the socio-demographic information of the voluntarily participating players and the Violence Tendency Scale was used to measure the violence tendencies. Results: According to the demographic characteristics of the participants, 8.7% of the mothers were not literate, 16.0% were literate, 49.3% were primary, 19.3% were high school and 6.7% were university graduates. Looking at the situation of exposure to domestic violence, 12% answered yes and 88% answered no. Conclusions: When the participants' exposure to domestic violence and their tendency to violence are examined, it is seen that there is no significant difference between those who are exposed to domestic violence and those who are not.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2602
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