This study was conducted on a total of 139 visually impaired athletes with different visual acuity, 15-18 aged, to define their reasons for starting sports and expectations from sports. The principle of voluntariness was taken into consideration. According to the participants’ gender, disability status, branches of sports, marital status, age groups, education levels, level of income, and visual acuity, the analysis on the reasons and expectations of individuals with visual disability starting sports between the ages of 15-18 were analyzed. “The Scale of Reasons for Starting Sports and Expectations from Sports” was used as a data collection tool in the study. In this study in which analysis on reasons of starting sports and expectations from sports were done; SPSS 22.00 program, used in quantitative study, was used in this study, the data are summarized by giving percentage and frequency tables. In this study, Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the scale was found to be 0.857. In conclusion, in this study, the reasons for starting sports and expectations from sports of 15-18 aged individuals with a visual disability were analyzed. In this sense, this study is important in terms of examining the effects of sports on disabled people and attracting attention to other individuals with disabilities. In addition, it is recommended that a new study should be carried out to evaluate the reasons for determining the reasons for starting sports and expectations from sports of other individuals with disabilities.
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