M. Zahit Serarslan


The purpose of this research is to determine whether the communication skills of Kocaeli University School of Sports Sciences students differ according to some demographic variables. For this purpose, 270 students from the School of Physical Education and Sports at Kocaeli University Sports Sciences Faculty, Coaching Education, Sports Management, Recreation and Physical Education and Sports Teaching Department participated voluntarily. The data were gathered with "Personal Information Form" and "Communication Skills Assessment Scale" (İBDÖ), which was developed by Korkut (1997) to determine communication skills levels of university students which was later validated. İBDÖ is 5 Likert type scales. This form is comprised of 25 articles. SPSS 22 package program was used to analyze the obtained data. In the analysis of the data, T-test and Anova analysis were used. The difference between the variables was interpreted on the basis of p0.05 significance level. As a result of the study, there was found a significant difference between students' communication skills according to their gender and the class they study, and there was not significant difference between communication skills according to their age and the department they studied.


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communication, communication skills, sports, university student

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