Purpose: Resistance training can result in increased lean mass, maximal strength, muscular power and facilitates similar acute physiological responses and chronic physiological adaptations to traditional aerobic exercises. This study aimed to determine the effects of resistance training on PV and VHRDP in sedentary women. Methods: Sixteen sedentary women were distributed in control group (CG) and Resistance Training Group (RTG). The RTG underwent a training program for major muscle groups four times a week over a period of 8 weeks which consisted of four sets of 8-12 repetition per set. The GC was asked to maintain their usual routines. Participants performed an incremental treadmill test conducted to voluntary exhaustion before and after intervention to assess peak velocity and heart rate performance curve. Results: A 2 (group: RTG, CG) x 2 (time: pre, post) ANOVA revealed a significant interaction for PV (p<0.01) and a trend to VHRDP (p=0.082). A significant main effect of time was found for PV (p=0,0038) and VHRDP (p=0,038). RTG presented a significant increase in the peak velocity (11,65±1,6 vs 13,50±1,5 km.h-1; p<0.01) while CG showed no difference (11,12±0,83 vs 11,00±0,92 km.h-1). RTG significantly improved VHRDP (9,8±1,1 vs 11,2±1,2 km.h-1 ; p<0.01) and CG did not (9,1±0,6 vs 9,3±1,3 km.h-1). Conclusions: The resistance training applied led to improvement in peak velocity and velocity at heart rate deflection point. RT should be prescribed by coaches and instructors as a viable exercise modality to improve aerobic fitness in sedentary females.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2824
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