The purpose of this research was to determine the factors encourage female and male amateur tennis players in Diyarbakır for tennis; reasons and expectations of them about tennis. The population consisted of almost 250 tennis players in Diyarbakır Province. The research sample was limited by entirely 121 randomly selected amateur tennis players (39 female, and 82 male) who interest in tennis at Dicle University and participated in the Diyarbakır Kayapınar municipality tennis tournament. The survey used in the study was developed by Sunay et al., in 2006. This Likert scaled survey consisted of 4 parts. The 1st part of the survey included demographic information; the 2nd part of the survey consisted of expectations from tennis sport; the 3rd chapter of the same survey asks the reasons for interesting in tennis in an amateur way; finally, the factors encourage for tennis sport can be seen in the 4th part. T-test and ANOVA tests were applied to determine whether the difference between the comments of participators related to gender, marital status, age, and educational background. Pearson Correlation test was applied to specify the relationship between groups and variables. For study findings, expectations of amateur tennis players in Diyarbakır toward being a coach and popular athlete are at a high level; the effect of physical education teachers and mass communication such as television and media organs is very few in tending towards to tennis. Also, it is revealed that thoughts about making money and leading a good life become prominent as a reason for interesting in tennis.
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