Cardiovascular endurance is related to the heart system. High levels of cardiovascular endurance indicate a person's heart system is healthy. This study aimed to measure the level of cardiovascular endurance among diploma education’s students in education in specializing in physical education and health. The design of this study is the One-Short Case Study. The number of subjects is 20. The number of male subjects was 12, while the female subject was 8. Beep test is used to measure the level of cardiovascular endurance of a student. The results showed 2 out of 20 students (10%) were score above average in cardiovascular endurance fitness, 3 students (15%) were score average in cardiovascular endurance fitness, 2 students (10%) score fair in cardiovascular endurance fitness, 8 students (40%) were score poor in cardiovascular endurance fitness and 5 students (25%) were score very poor in cardiovascular endurance fitness. The mean score for 20 students was (m = 33.59; SD = 7.30) as rate as poor. Majority of diploma education’s students were in the category of poor. This concludes that students with Diploma course in UM were poor in cardiovascular endurance since mean and mode in category of poor.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2868
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Copyright (c) 2020 Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali, Foo Wai Kit, Imran Akhmad, Muhammad Chairad

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