Development of sport in Nigeria has taken the centre stage in public discuss most especially at different sport event fora. The need to facilitate and engender sustainable sport development through implementation of sport policies, effective leadership and engagement of qualified personnel to drive this money-spinning industry is becoming a recurring-decima as the sector is seen to be politicised through the engagement of unqualified personnel to run the affairs of the sector thereby creating chaos and instability while the resultant effect has been that of blame game culminating in the failure of our athlete to excel at the international level despite the raw talent available in the county that boasts of over 180 million population. It is on this premise that the study examines the implementation of government policy, effective leadership and qualified personnel as key indices for the development of sport tourism in Nigeria. The study suggests that policy should be implemented to the letter to ensure continuity and sustainability. The study also suggests that effective leadership is not only paramount to sports development but also germane in the drive for a sustainable sport tourism industry. The study also suggests that qualified personnel should not be compromised for mediocrity if development is to be achieved and sustained in the sport tourism industry.
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