The purpose of the present research is defining state and trait anxiety levels before and after matches among hockey referees. The sample of the research consists of 16 referees who refereed in hockey super league in 2014-2015 seasons. Data of the research were collected with Trait-State Anxiety Inventory, which was developed by Spielberger et al. (1970) and adapted to Turkish by Öner and Le Compte (1985). Collected data were analysed on SPSS 22.0 packaged software. Before and after matches data were compared with paired samples t-test. According to the analyses, state anxiety scores were higher than trait anxiety scores among hockey referees before matches. Additionally, state anxiety levels were higher among referees, who were 31 and older, married, and had a medium or low level of income. Consequently, there is a negative and strong correlation between income and state anxiety.
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