The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the knowledge of performance feedback and task difficulty on basketball chest pass performance and learning with challenge point hypothesis. In order to achieve the research goals, 96 non-experienced and unfamiliar students were selected in a targeted and accessible manner and randomly classified into 8 groups. Each of the groups practiced with its own protocols, combining different levels. Two-way variance analysis with repeated measurements and two-way analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the knowledge of performance feedback (confirmatory and corrective) had a significant effect on the acquisition and learning of the basketball chest pass and the effect of confirmation feedback was greater than the correction in the retention phase. Also, the task difficulty (nominal and functional) had an effect on the performance and learning of basketball chest pass, and this effect was high in the retention test for functional difficulty. Additionally, the interaction of knowledge of performance and the task difficulty was not significant. In general, the results of this study find that it is beneficial to use the trainings-based challenge point -framework- to improve performance and learning.
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