Music has been used in sports events and competitions, as well as in sports education since ancient times. The relationship between music and sports, which are among the important elements of culture, has been going on for ages and this heritage has been passed on to the next generations. Music and sports, one of the ways in which a nation expresses itself, have intertwined in a tradition from time to time to create a unique culture. Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling, where sports and music blend together for ages, is one of the longest running events in the world with its unique culture. Historical Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling, besides being a sports event, is an important part of intangible cultural heritage due to its traditions and rituals performed within the event for centuries. Wrestling tunes which is played to motivate the athletes and audience and to prepare them for the spectacle, and to speed up the wrestling at certain times, are among the intangible sports heritage. In this research, wrestling tunes, which on of the important components of Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling are analyzed and interpreted within the context of intangible cultural heritage, and research findings are intended to be evaluated with literature-review model.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2913
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