The aim of the study was the investigation of Quality of life according to the exercise behaviour change stages of women studying at university. 698 university students, who study in different departments, participated in the study. Quality of life and change in exercise behaviour survey were applied. One way ANOVA, LSD test and Student - t test were used in the study. The average age of University women was 27.50 years. In this study, physical health score, psychological health score, social health score and environmental scores vary according to the health status indicated by the students (p<0.05). In this study, in the case of physical health, the scores of those who are at the stage of Pre-contemplation and Contemplation are significantly lower than those of the students who are at the stage of Taking Action and Maintenance (p<0.05). In the case of psychological health, the scores of those who are at the stage of Pre-contemplation and Contemplation are significantly lower than those of the students who are at the Maintenance stage (p<0.05). In the case of social health, the scores of those who are at the stage of Pre-contemplation and Contemplation are significantly lower than those of the students who are in the preparation, Taking Action and Maintenance (p<0.05). In the case of environmental score, the scores of those who are at the Pre-contemplation stage are significantly lower than those of the students who are at the Maintenance stage (p<0.05). In conclusion, the perceived quality of life of University women according to their exercise behavior change stages were high before the tendency and low during the exercise but quality of life scores increased during continuity. Sedentary women should increase the percentage of continuity in exercise behaviors steps to improve quality of life. Quality of life level according to exercise behavior change stages should be investigated in a large number of women in different universities in Turkey and they should be orientated on exercise planning.
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