This study was carried out to determine the anaerobic properties of the sub-elite badminton and tennis players and to make comparison whether there is a difference between two racket sports in terms of anaerobic performance or not. 13 badminton players (7 male, 6 female) (Age: 20.30 1.65; Height:171.42±7.62; Weight:64.68±10.42) and 10 tennis players (5 male, 5 female) (Age: 19.50 0.84; Height:171.58±6.31; Weight:62.21±9.85) who have been training 2 days a week for averagely 3 years took part in this study voluntarily. Participants' body composition, isokinetic leg strength, isometric handgrip strength, vertical jump, Illinois agility, and Wingate anaerobic test were measured. SPSS 22.0 used for data analysis, being a non-parametric test, Mann-Whitney U test was conducted in comparison of two groups. At the end of performance measurements, right and left handgrip strengths were found 39.91 kg.f and 37.89 kg.f at badminton players; 43.58 kg.f, 41.49 kg.f at tennis players, respectively. At isokinetic extensor and flexor leg muscle strengths were measured 186.83 Nm, 107.93 Nm and 168.61 Nm, 112.43 Nm and as for hamstring/quadriceps (H:Q) ratio: 0.58, 0.66. As for Wingate anaerobic strength test, peak power (PP) values at sub-elite badminton and tennis players were respectively measured as 646.96 W, 694.23 W; relative peak power (RPP) value 10.11 W kg-1, 10.35 W kg-1; average power (AP) value 7.21 W kg-1, 7.39 W kg1. vertical jump was respectively detected as 48.13 cm and 46.03 cm, agility test 17.38 sec and 17.37 sec. The difference between these parameters belonging to two groups was found statistically significant only at H:Q ratio (p=0.22), wasn’t found significant at other parameters. Consequently, statistically significant difference wasn’t found between anaerobic performance values of sub-elite badminton and tennis players except for the H:Q ratio. This result showed us that players at sub-elite level have similar anaerobic performances even if these two racket sports have different court sizes, different durations, different racket weights, different hitting techniques.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.3043
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