The purpose of this study was to compare the university women athletes and sedentary women students in respect of simple choice visual reaction time (SCVRT) of hands. Method: 40 university women students were randomly selected as subject and each group consisted of 20 students, and age ranged between 17 to 25 years. SCVRT of the subjects were tested of both the hands using the subject’s index figure. Reaction Time (RT) was measured five times of both the hands of the subjects and the first two digits of milliseconds of average of five trials were considered as the experimented RT data for the study. Audio-Visual Reaction (AVR) Timer machine was used to collect RT data. Result: Paired sample t-test of strong and weak hands of athletes and sedentary women university students together shows that strong hand mean = 18.28 ms, SD = 1.71 ms, and weak hand mean = 21.08 ms and SD = 2.17 ms, t(0.05)(39) = -8.84 and p = 0.00. Further, an independent sample t-test of both the hands between athletes and sedentary women students show that in the strong hand athletes mean = 17.95 ms and SD = 1.96 ms, and sedentary mean = 18.60 ms and SD = 1.39 ms, t(0.05)(38)= -1.21 and p = 0.23. Whereas, in the weak hand athletes mean = 20.70 ms and SD = 2.56 ms, and sedentary mean = 21.45 ms and SD = 1.67 ms; t(0.05)(38)= -1.10 and p = 0.28. Conclusion: It is concluded that among the university athletes and sedentary women students’ strong hand is faster than that of their weak hand in terms of simple choice visual reaction time, and athletes and sedentary women students’ strong and weak hand quickness is almost the same in the population. However, women athletes maintain little superiority over sedentary women students based on SCVRT quickness in both cases of strong and weak hand in the sample.
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