In this study, it was planned to investigate the acute effect of inspiratory muscle warm-up protocol on knee flexion-extension isokinetic strength. In our study, control and two different experimental applications were performed on sedentary individuals (n: 15, age: 22.25 ± 1.49 years). In the control application, the subjects participated in the 60os-1 180os-1 and 240os-1 knee flexion-extension isokinetic test, respectively, without general warm-up. Isokinetic tests performed after general warm-up in one of the experimental trials. In the other experimental trial, in addition to general warming, the same isokinetic tests were performed after performing 30 breaths of respiratory muscle twice at 40% maximal inspiratory pressure intensity. One-way analysis of variance and LSD tests were performed for repeated measurements to determine the difference between trials. There were significant differences in 60o PT H / Q Ratio, 60o WH / Q Ratio, 60o PTEx, 60o WEx, 60o PTFlx, 60o FIFlx and 60o WFlx 180o PT H / Q Ratio (%), 180o PTEx (nm), 180o APEx (watts), 180o PTFlx (nm), 180o FIFlx (nm), 180o WFlx (nm / repeat) 240o PTEx (nm), 240o WEx (nm / repeat), 240o PTFlx (nm), 240o FIFlx (nm) and 240o WFlx (nm / repeat) parameters in favor of experimental applications (p <0.05). There was no significant difference between applications in other parameters measured (p> 0.05). As a result, it can be said that inspiratory muscle warm-up exercise lowers the fatigue index and therefore increases the peak torque, average power and total workforce, and it affects the knee flexion-exudate isokinetic strength acutely.
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