The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of explosive strength training applied to futsal athletes for 8 weeks on determined physical and physiological parameters. Experimental group took explosive strength training 3 days in a week. The control group did not perform any sports activities for 8 weeks. The experimental group of the study consisted of n = 18 male futsalists with age 21.2±1.9 years, height 1.79±,038 cm and weight 71.9±4.05 kg. The control group consisted of n=18 male futsalists with age 22.3±2.2 years, 1.77±,046 cm and a body weight 73.48±3.98 kg. The participants are university students and the studies are planned in a way that will not hinder their education. In the statistical analysis research, the results of futsal players were evaluated in the SPSS-19 program. It was seen that the values obtained from the participants showed normal distribution. The results obtained from participants were evaluated with the paired-T test. After the rapid force studies, there was a statistically significant difference in the handgrip values of the experimental group athletes, while there was no significant difference in the control group. There was no statistically significant difference in experiment and control group of body weight, total muscle rate, body fat percentage, flexibility, 10m speed, vertical jump, shot velocity, resting heart rate (RHR), anaerobic power values (p<0.05). Tests were applied to all participants before and after the studies.
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