The study's objective was to compare sleep quality and body composition between male and female participants. A cross-sectional study was conducted with five hundred participants (male and female) from different community places. Body composition was measured with the help of a bioelectric impedance device. The sleep habits were determined with the Pittsburgh Sleeps Quality Index that used to evaluate sleep quality during the past seven days, and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (Johns, 1991) was used to measure the level of the daytime sleepiness. The identified variables were statistically analyzed with an independent t-test, and Eta Squared was applied to find effect size. From the whole study population, only 12.2 % of participants are underweight, 51.4 % are healthy, 16.6 % are overweight, and 19.8 % are obese. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index is the lowest (7.90 ± 2.18) into the normal, whereas the highest (8.38 ± 2.93) into the underweight participants. Daytime sleepiness is lowest (10.23 ± 4.18) in underweight, whereas the highest (11.28 ± 3.28) in obese participants. This study demonstrates females had a higher percentage of body fat than males throughout all categories that leads them towards poor sleep habits, which are mediating factors for good health and quality of life.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.3114
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