This research aims to determine anxiety levels of elite wrestlers during the competition period. The system of the study was created by the Turkey Wrestling Federation in 2019-2020 National Teams. The sample of the study consists in selected athletes for these years and includes 45 wrestlers. They were selected from the National Teams. The survey was filled on an instant anxiety scale (20 items) which was developed by Le Compte and Öner (1976). There was no difference in elite wrestlers according the age and achievement levels in the anxiety total and anxiety overall totals (p>0.05). When anxiety values are analyzed according to these data, it is seen that the state of anxiety levels before the competition are lower than the state anxiety levels during the competition and the state anxiety levels after the competition. When analyzed according to the national and international ratings of the participants, there is no significant difference between anxiety levels (p>0.05). As a result, no significant difference was observed in the general anxiety of elite wrestlers in terms of age groups or success levels.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.3116
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