This study investigated the influence of economic recession on effective management of sports associations in Lagos State. The descriptive survey research design was adopted in conducting this study. The population for this study comprises of sports association personnel in Lagos State, including sport administrators, coaches and other technical officials in sports associations. A total of 120 participants were selected to serve as sample for the study using the simple random sampling technique. 30 participants were selected from four sports associations each with both sexes given equal representation. A self-developed and structured questionnaire titled “Economic Recession Sports Management Questionnaire (ERSMQ)”was used for data collection in this study. A draft copy of the developed ERSMQ was subjected to content and construct validities. A panel of three experts in sports administration and management was constituted to assess the instrument and their suggestions were used in adjusting the structural composition of the instrument for effective data collection. The test retest method of reliability was adopted in this study. In this regard, twenty copies of the validated ERSMQ were administered on twenty participants who were not included in the main study, twice with two weeks interval between the first and second administration. The two set of scores obtained from this exercise were correlated using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) and an r-value of 0.89 was obtained, hence the adoption of the ERSMQ for data collection in this study. A total of 120 copies of ERSMQ were administered on selected respondents using the spot administration technique to ensure high percentage returns. Data collected was presented using descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentage, while the inferential statistics of Regression Analysis was used in testing all stated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study found that economic recession significantly lowered effective management process and organization of competitions among sports associations in Lagos State. It was recommended that sports associations should evolve sustainable revenue generation strategies to counter future economic crisis.
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