Debasish Mandal, Ashoke Kumar Biswas


In India, tribal is relating to a group of people or community of people belonging to tribes. The aim of the present study was to find out average stride length in initial acceleration phases for tribal and non-tribal boys during 100m sprinting. A total of 120 boys within the age groups of 10 to 15 yrs. were selected as subject for this study. The subjects were divided into three equal sized age groups i.e., 10-11 yrs., 12-13 yrs. and 14-15 yrs. Each group was consisted of 40 subjects, among them 20 tribal boys and 20 non-tribal boys. The video graphic data was collected from 100 m performance of the subject. The data was analyzed by motional analysis software Kinovea 0.8.15 from movement of two trials of the subject. The average stride length in initial acceleration phase for tribal boys group i.e. (10-11) yrs., (12-13) yrs. and (14-15) yrs. were 200.48 cm, 220.90 cm and 228.26cm whereas non-tribal boys were 208.66 cm, 226.87 cm and 231.07 cm respectively. The stride length increased with increase of age for tribal and non-tribal of both groups. The mean values of stride length were higher for the non-tribal group of subjects than their tribal counterparts for all age groups. The difference between tribal and non-tribal boys was statistically non-significant at 0.05 levels. The average stride length in initial acceleration phase increased with increase of age for both tribal and non-tribal boys. The stride length of non-tribal boys was higher than the tribal boys for all age groups. The difference between tribal and non-tribal boys was not statistically significant.

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stride length, tribal boys, non-tribal boys, initial acceleration phase

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v6i7.3350


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