Mehmet Türkmen, Sıymık Arstanbekov


This study explains the etymology and terminology of the "Küres" traditional sport, which is the national wrestling of the Central Asian Kazakh Turks. Its formation is; explains the archaic cultural codes and their place and importance in Kazakh culture in the historical process. In the context of the transformation of the Kazakhs in 1991; explains the loss of traditional cultural elements and the developments in the modernization process with the process of adapting to today's modern sports and carrying the 'küres' to the international dimension. In addition to these, it is questioned what kind of pros and cons of the Kazakhstan state to the traditional 'global' modernization expectations. Although the study is within the scope of qualitative research method, descriptive research designs have also been used and it is limited to traditional Kazakh wrestling. The traditional wrestling "küres" of Kazakhs and every social organization where it is consumed is based on traditional resources, which are the economic life unique to it and the geographical environment that feeds this life. Since Kazakhs have long been associated with the Silk Road, it is certain that they have entered this traditional wrestling from other cultures as well. In addition, Kazakhs, especially the Kyrgyz; besides kinship ties with Uzbeks, Uyghurs and other Turkish peoples living in Southern Siberia, they have a homogeneous culture. And they feed on the same traditional sources. However, today, as in the history of Kazakhs, tribal consciousness stands out rather than nation consciousness. And because of this, they do not see the formation, transformation and development process of wrestling in other nations or tribes other than themselves. Kazakhs place more emphasis on traditional wrestling than Olympic wrestling and even other Olympic games. However, it is seen that traditional Kazakh wrestling has moved away from its origin structure and ethno-cultural position within the framework of adaptation and the rush to belong to them today.

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Kazakh traditional wrestling, Kazakh sports culture, formation, transformation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v6i8.3410


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