Mehmet Türkmen, Bilal Okudan


Objective: Buryats living in Southern Siberia are one of the first peoples that Ancient Turks interacted with their cultural and genetic codes. Buryats have always had a traditional wrestling called "Buhe-Barildaan". For a foreigner, understanding Buryat traditional wrestling will undoubtedly shed light on other aspects of Buryats 'and even Turkish-Mongolian peoples' social life. For this reason, the study aims to explain Buryat 'Buhe-Barildaan' traditional wrestling with archetypal cultural codes, formation and transformations. Method: Along with the literature review, descriptive research and comparison method, among the models included in the qualitative approach, was used. The research is limited to the folkloric wrestling of Buryats, who are Turkish-Mongolian people’s living in Southern Siberia. Findings: Buryat 'Buhe-Barildaan' wrestling distinguished two types as 'forest' and 'steppe'. First of all, "forest type" has become widespread among the Oyrat, the Bulaga and Ehiri Buryats of Turkish origin, and the Onon Mongols. The 'steppe type', which is now practiced almost everywhere, was only seen in peoples dealing with animal husbandry. In the competitions of the "Steppe type", one of the three areas touching the ground would bring defeat. Conclusion: Non-Russian native authors, to explain the importance of Buryat wrestling, to suggest continuity between social signs, they have been seen using various propositional myths to construct social meaning and national identity. Buryat wrestling culture, it is based on the economic life unique to the development and continuity of the people and the traditional sources of the geographical environment that feed this life. Buhe-barildaan wrestling is one of the most important elements of the sports culture that helps to preserve the national identity and connection between generations. The functional and ideological origins of the Buryat Buhe-barildaan wrestling, historically, it is associated, first of all, with the choice of a mass who, besides having to face external power, is the leader of the military forces. In addition, Buhe-barildaan wrestling, which has two types, namely steppe and forest types, was seen to coincide with the wrestling of the peoples living in those geographies, especially Turks, in the context of typology and homogeneity.

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Buryat ethics, traditional wrestling, wrestling culture

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v6i8.3411


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