Mehmet Türkmen, Nurdin Useev


In this monograph, the traditional wrestling "Hapsagai" of the Sakha’s, one of the ancient Turkish peoples living in the Autonomous Republic of Yakudistan under the Russian Federation, will be investigated. The historical formation of Hapsagay wrestling is analyzed within the framework of qualitative method, depending on climatic and geographical, ethnosocial and economic conditions. The development of Yakut (Sakha) national wrestling hapsagay in modern socio-economic conditions is centered on the study and discussed in a qualitative model intensity. The organizational and methodological work of the Yakudistan Republic Hapsagai Wrestling Federation as a tool to manage national sports, the competitive activity system and the international sports movement are examined. The dynamics of participation indexes among the population of different ages of the Sakha Republic for the period 2011-2017 of the national khapsagai wrestling, the feasibility of opening a department in higher education institutions to train experts in this traditional sport is given. In the education process of undergraduate students, the mechanism of popularization of the Sakha national struggle, hapsagay legacy, is shown. As a result: khapsagai, a sport with its own national elements, is an integral part of physical education and social ceremonies and that the Sakha people are leaders in ethnopedagogy; that it was carried to the international dimension by adapting to contemporary conditions; it has been concluded that these official efforts have achieved their purpose and are increasing in popularity at national and international level.

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national sport, khapsagay, formation, development, sport movement

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v6i8.3412


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