Okan Kılıçkaya, Nail Türk, Alpaslan Baki Ertekin, Ali Kaya


The main purpose of our study is to determine the relationship between the level of communication between amateur football players and their coaches and their motivation for success, also to reveal whether variables such as education status, the time of working with the trainers and the time to exercise have an effect on their communication levels and motivation for success. In the scope of the research, 65 amateur football players selected among 10 amateur football clubs in the district of Esenyurt, Istanbul has been examined. As data collection tools in our study, Sports-Specific Achievement Motivation Scale (SSAMS) and Coach Communication Scale in Football (CCSF) were used. Also, Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare variables while Pearson's correlation test was utilized to examine the relationship between variables. As a result of the examination, when the communication skills of the participants were evaluated according to age, a significant difference was found in the 14-16 age groups. Also, when the communication skills of the participants were evaluated according to their educational status, a significant difference was found at the high school level. In addition, when the success motivation sub-dimensions of football players are evaluated, a significant difference is observed in the 14-16 age groups in their motivation to show power and achieve success.
When the participants' motivation to show power was evaluated according to their amount of time of spent on sports, it was found that there was a significant difference between 6-10 years, and when the motivation to achieve success was evaluated according to the duration of working with the same trainer, a significant difference was found in those who exercised for 3-5 years. While a weak positive correlation was found between the motivation to show power and the motivation to succeed (p<0, 05, r=0,371), a positive low-intensity relationship was observed between the motivation to show power and communication (p<0, 05, r=0,368). As a result of the findings, it has been observed that as the age and educational status of football players increase, their communication is negatively affected since they see the shortcomings of their coaches and therefore their motivation for success decreases.

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football, motivation, communication, communication skills

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