Cengiz Taşkın, Ali Kemal Taşkın, Tuğba Görgülü, Mehmet Günay


In this study, it was aimed to research the effect of foot sole measurements on quickness and agility in sedentary women aged 14-16 years. Eighty women living in Gaziantep city center and leading a sedentary lifestyle participated in the study voluntarily. In measuring the foot length and comb width of the subjects, the soles of the feet were placed on a clean paper and the sensitivity was measured with a 0.01 m stadiometer (SECA, Germany) in accordance with the desired measurement technique. Illinois agility test is used to measure the agility values of the subjects. 5 meter quickness test was used. As a result of the statistical analysis of the data obtained from the study; It was observed that the differences in foot sole dimensions had an effect on the quickness and agility performance values. It is thought that individuals with longer and wider soles may have more developed balance skills due to the pressure distribution on the soles of their feet, and this may positively affect the values of quickness and agility.

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women, quickness, agility

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