Asim Kumar Halder, Moch Fahmi Abdulaziz


The motive of this study was to analyze, interpret and assess psychological variables between Indian and Indonesian sports-persons. Two psychological variables i.e. Sports Achievement Motivation and Sports Competition Anxiety were selected to understand the difference and non-difference psychic strength and lacuna between Indian and Indonesian sports-persons. This study also conducted to find out a correlation between Sports Achievement Motivation and Sports Competition Anxiety among Indian and Indonesian sports-persons. For the purpose of this study, 50 elite sports-persons from India and 50 elite sports-persons from Indonesia were randomly selected. The subjects’ age ranged between 18-25 years. To measure sports achievement motivation and sports competition anxiety between Indian and Indonesian sports-persons, Sports Achievement Motivation Test (SAMT) developed by M.L. Kamlesh in 1990 and Sports Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT) developed by Rainer Martens in 1977, were introduced respectively. For statistical analysis and interpretation of data, Independent Sample t-Test and Pearson Product-moment Correlation were conducted. The level of significance had been taken 0.01. The study found a significant difference in SAMT between Indian and Indonesian female sports-persons, male sports-persons and sports-persons in toto. It also found a significant difference in SCAT between Indian and Indonesian female sports-persons in toto but did not find any significant difference in SCAT between Indian and Indonesian female and male Sports-persons. This study also found no significant correlation between Sports Achievement Motivation and Sports Competition Anxiety among Indian sports-persons but the study detected a significant negative correlation between sports Achievement Motivation and Sports Competition Anxiety among Indonesian sports-persons.

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Sports Achievement Motivation Test (SAMT), Sports Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT), Indian sports-persons, Indonesian sports-persons

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