Selmani Abiş, Coşkun Yılmaz, Mehmet Abiş


Our study aim is the study the effect of doing sports on imagery and trait anxiety in university students. The relational scanning model was used in this study, which examined the imagery and trait anxiety relationship of university students who do sports and those who do not. The universe of the research; while creating OMU, 371 active students participated in the sample group in the 2019-2020 academic year. The participants were administered a personal information form (6) developed by the researchers, the imagery Inventory developed by Hall, Mack, Paivio, and Hausenblas (1998), and the Trait Anxiety Scale (20) developed by Spielberger, Goursuch, and Lushene (1970). Gender was found to affect the imagery sub-dimensions (p <0.05) and trait anxiety (p = 0.007). While doing sports had no effect on imagery (p> 0.05), it was observed that it affected trait anxiety (p = 0.003). Alcohol use had no effect on imagery and trait anxiety (p> 0.05). While smoking affected the general motivation (p = 0.05) in the imagination levels, it did not affect the other imagery states and trait anxiety (p> 0.05). While it affected the cognitive (p = 0.004) and motivational specific (p = 0.008) sub-dimensions at imagination levels with age, it did not affect the general motivation and mastery sub-dimensions (p> 0.05). Age had an effect on trait anxiety levels (p = 0.04). It has been found that gender and age affect imagery and trait anxiety. It has been found that alcohol and cigarette use did not affect it. While doing sports has no effect on imagery, it has been found that it affects trait anxiety.

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sport; imagery, trait anxiety

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