J. A. Adelakun, T. T. Orunaboka, G. A. Deemua


This study investigated socio-demographic predictors of job satisfaction among sports council administrators in southern Nigeria. The study was aimed at achieving two objectives. Two research questions were raised and answered while two null hypotheses were formulated and tested. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design. The population of the study comprised 3000 sports council administrators in southern Nigeria. Stratified random sampling technique was adopted to get the sample size of 450 sport administrators from the South-South, South-East and South-West sub-regions in Southern Nigeria. An instrument tagged ‘Questionnaire on Socio-Demographic Predictors of Job Satisfaction’ (QSDPJS) was used for data collection. A reliability coefficient of 0.86 was obtained for the instrument. Percentages, Mean score ), standard deviation and multiple regression were the statistical tools used for data analysis. Some of the findings showed that sixty per cent (60%) of sports administrators in southern Nigeria are not satisfied with their job. Also, socio-demographic variables of age, gender, educational qualification, length of service could jointly predict job satisfaction of state sports council administrators. Based on these findings, it was concluded that the observed poor performance of most southern states in various national sports competitions in Nigeria can be attributed to low extent of job satisfaction among sports council administrators. It was therefore recommended that state governments in the southern sub-regions of Nigeria should make prompt payment of sports council workers at the end of the month a priority and sport administrators’ salary, welfare packages and other emoluments should be enhanced.

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socio-demographic, job, satisfaction, sports, council, administrators

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