Mehmet Ali Can Uyduran, Uğur Abakay


This study is a descriptive study meant to examine the multiple intelligence areas of students who enter the Higher Education Institution with a special talent exam. The research was conducted using the scanning model. The population of the research consists of students who have been placed in Gaziantep University Faculty of Sports Sciences, Turkish Music and State Conservatory and Fine Arts Faculty for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years with a special talent exam. The sample group consists of 408 (240 male, 168 female) students selected randomly (Sports Sciences 180, Conservatory 100, Fine Arts 128) In order to collect data in the study, “Self-Assessment Inventory in Multiple Intelligence Domains”, developed by Gardner (1993) and translated into Turkish by Saban (2001), was used. SPSS 20.0 (Statistical Packet for the Social Science) package program was used for statistical analysis of the data collected within the framework of the purpose of the research. In the evaluation of general information about students, frequency (f) and percentage (%), mean (X) and standard deviation (Ss) values were calculated. Independent sample t-test and One Way Anova tests were used for comparisons between groups, Pearson correlation analysis was used for the relationships between age groups and intelligence types, and the significance level was accepted as p= 0.05. According to the results of our research, it has been seen that the students who won higher education with a special talent exam have different intelligence areas according to gender, age, department, income status variables and these intelligence areas develop at different levels. Social, environmental, economic, etc. of these intelligence areas. considered to be affected by the circumstances. It is necessary to evaluate the theory of multiple intelligences not only as a theory of intelligence, but as a philosophy of education and training. It is also important for individuals to be aware of their own intelligence areas in terms of their role in the learning environment.

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sports sciences, special talent, fine arts, conservatory, multiple intelligence

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