Nguyen Hung Dung, Nguyen Toan Nang, Nguyen Quang Vinh


The study aims at examining the impact of exercise games on preschool children’s physical development. The study took place in the school year 2018-2019 in Dong Thap, Vietnam. A total of 133 male preschool children aged from 5-6 years old from four public kindergartens took part in the study and were distributed in experimental group and control group. 30 exercise games were employed as the implementation tools. Although the physical fitness of both groups increased after the treatment, the physical fitness level of the experimental group gained higher improvement than that of the control group. The results indicate that the exercise games are effective in physical education in general and in improving children’s physical fitness in particular.

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exercise games, physical fitness, preschool students, Dong Thap, VietNam

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v7i3.3901


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Copyright (c) 2021 Nguyen Hung Dung, Nguyen Toan Nang, Nguyen Quang Vinh

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