Background: The worldwide prevalence of chronic spinal pain is 19.6% in them aged 19-23 years and more prevalent in females. Routine physiotherapy seems to be effective in reducing pain and improving functional outcome in patients with chronic back pain. Back stabilization exercises are in trend in the management of chronic pain, it is not known whether the addition of these exercises produces better results even though the patient has pain during execution. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of back stabilization exercises on pain, ROM and functional inability to manage chronic back pain. A random trial in: Period: February 2021 to July 2021. Methods: 42 patients with back pain (3 patients dropped out of the study). Participants were recruited through intentional sampling technique. The tools used for data collection were NPRS, Modified ODI, Goniometry (Lumbar Bending, stretching and lateral bends) and MMT (Trunk Flexors and Clamps). The data were analyzed at the beginning and later after 2 weeks of intervention (8 sessions). Results: 20 males and 19 females participated in the study. After 2 weeks of intervention this treatment showed improvement in reducing pain and improving functional status. SE had shown significant gains in NPRS p = 0.001, modified ODI p = 0.001, ROM Extension p = 0.027, ROM Curvature on the right side p = 0.024 and MMT Flexion p = 0.031. Conclusion: Stabilization exercises have been found to be effective in managing chronic back pain in terms of pain reduction and functional inability.
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