This research was carried out to analyze the attitude and learning levels of the Faculty of Sport Sciences students related to the practical courses lectured in distance education due to the isolation days. This research was taught to examine the attitudes of the sports sciences faculty coaching education department towards the applied lessons taught in distance education from the meal isolation days. The sample group of the study included totally 460 students including 233 females and 227 males studying at the Sport Sciences Faculties of universities in 2020-2021 Academic Year. The demographic properties of the students participating into the study such as the variables of gender, grade and department were recorded. Furthermore, 4 questionnaire questions with "yes” or "no" answers prepared by the researcher and a 10-item questionnaire for questioning the students' attitudes towards learning in practical courses lectured in distance education were created. The statistical values were calculated in SPSS program. The arithmetic average and standard deviation values of the obtained data were calculated. The Chi-Square Test (x2) was performed to determine whether the department and grade variables had a significant effect upon the answers given to the attitude questions. In conclusion, it was determined that the practical courses lectured in distance education in Faculty of Sports Sciences negatively affected the learning levels of students during the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v7i4.4047
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Copyright (c) 2021 Mustafa Kaya, Alperen Çırçır, Alper Eyinç, Mehmet Kargün, Recep Bozdemir

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