The aim of the study is to determine the structure of some anthropometrical characteristics of children aged 16, living in Kosovo. The research was conducted on a sample of 110 male students of high school “Fehmi Lladrovci” in Gllogoc, the Republic of Kosovo. The sample of variable held eighteen anthropometric measures: four variables to estimate the dimensionality of the longitudinal skeleton, four variables to estimate the dimensionality of the transversal skeleton, four variables to estimate the volume of the body, four variables to estimate the skin folds of the body, body weight, and body mass index. The calculation of the data was made by using the SPSS 24 program. All morphological indicators have displayed different parameters that ranged from the lowest to the highest levels. The correlation analysis show that the coefficients of morphological variables are curved and appear as a homogeneous group with a high intercorrelation at the coefficient level of (p =0.01). Factor analysis has shown three latent factors, the first latent factor that has appeared is the anthropometric factor composed of longitudinal dimensionality, transversal dimensionality and body perimeter factors of skeleton. The second latent factor is composed of the skin folds, and the third factor is the anthropometric factor composed of body weight and body mass index.
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