Cycling is one of the most demanding sports in terms of aerobic ability. Individual profiling, selection of cyclists implies adequate analysis of anthropometric characteristics and body composition. In addition to the analysis of anthropometric characteristics and body composition, it is necessary to detect and assess motor (physical) abilities, which are often defined by the term fitness profile. In this study, the anthropometric space, body composition and fitness abilities of cyclist M.M, a member of the Cycling Club "Borac" from Čačak and a member of the Serbian national team were analyzed in detail. As many as 60 variants were measured to assess the defined segments (anthropometric space, body composition, fitness profile). The obtained results of anthropometry and physical status confirmed the presence of the ectomorphic-mesomorphic somatotype of the cyclist, which is represented in the so-called road disciplines and endurance disciplines. Also, the fitness profile of the competitor determines extremely good results in all motor skills. To conclude that in addition to the dominance of aerobic abilities, cyclists define exceptional parameters of anaerobic abilities and fitness (motor) abilities (strength, speed, coordination, ...) and their pronounced synergistic effect.
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