Athletes have superstitious beliefs and behaviors to improve performance levels, deal with stress, turn the chance factor into their own advantage, control behaviors, maintain traditional characteristics and achieve a psychologically specific saturation. As in the past, superstitions remain present, due to the emergence of modern life and spiritual personal emptiness. The aim of this research is to uncover superstition and behavior of players actively playing in professional and amateur football clubs. For this reason, 50 amateur male football players who actively competing in the Regional Amateur League and 50 professional male footballers who are professionally competing in the 3rd League in Ankara participate to our research. We use the inventory that "Sports superstition and behavior Inventory" which adapted by Barut (2008) to determine superstition and behavior. The data was analyzed in the SPSS 26.00 package program, and analysis was revealed, and average, standard deviation and percentages were determined. The study examined the skew and offset values before taking the tests and found that the distribution was normal. Independent sample T test, One Way Anova test is used for multiple variables. Analysis was interpreted by acknowledging that the statistical level of meaningful is 0.05. In the case of the superstition and Behaviors of football players, the research also shows that in the league variance played by the players, professional footballers prefers lucky objects, games and encounters, team behaviors, prayers and total scores, and players who consider success in the sport success choice very important to the players, pre-game and match, statistically different in the order of play and match and the total scores of scale, and statistically no difference was found in the lower dimensions of the scale and the total score according to the learning status, age, position and active year of sport. As a result, professional and amateur footballers' superstition and behavior in sports were examined, and professional footballers' scores were found to be higher.
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