Antonios Arachovitis, Apostolos Stergioulas, Yannis Georgiou


Injuries are painful experiences but also a reality for athletes. This is also the case with water sports such as water skiing and wakeboarding. The nature of both sports gives a multifactorial character to the cause and severity of injuries. The result of these is long abstinence from training, from the games, and the period of returning to competitive action increases. The purpose of this study was to determine the possible relationship between the independent variable of the sport (water-skiing, wakeboard) and the time of abstinence (from training, competing, and return time without physical discomfort). The sample consisted of 140 athletes in both water sports from Greece. The results of the study showed that there are no significant differences between the sports in the time of abstinence from training after injury. However, there are statistically significant differences in the times of abstinence from races and return to races without physical discomfort, with water-skiing athletes abstaining for a significantly longer period. It is recommended to the training and medical staff, to strictly control the athletes for the proper use of the appropriate equipment as a preventive measure, to make an immediate and meticulous diagnosis during the injury, and finally, to follow the protocol of the time required for recovery, to prevent a possible recurrence.


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sports injuries, water sports, water skiing, wakeboarding, abstinence time

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v8i2.4262


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