Aim: To investigate the criterion validity and relative and absolute reliability of the running-based anaerobic sprint test (RAST) in Indian male track and field sprinters. Material and Methods: Thirty five (n = 35) Indian male sprinters participating in 100m, 200 m and 400 m sprint racing randomly performed RAST and Wingate test as the criterion measure of anaerobic power with one trial each on two separate days. Data were analyzed using the Student’s paired t-test, Pearson’s linear correlation test, intra-class correlation coefficients and Bland and Altman’s plots. Results: Criterion validity was strong and positively significant for average power (r = 0.644, p < 0.000); however, the RAST significantly overestimated maximum and minimum anaerobic power compared to Wingate as revealed by paired t-test. The RAST showed good relative reliability for average power, ICC = 0.628 (0.373 - 0.795: 95% CI) and the higher internal consistency was found only for average anaerobic power value (α = 0.772). In the Bland-Altman analyses, linear regression analyses revealed that both means of differences and limits of agreement were found to be low in cases of average and minimum values of anaerobic power and fatigue index and the results were also not found to be statistically significant, resulting in good reliability. Conclusion: The RAST is a practicable field test to estimate levels of average anaerobic power of track and field sprinters. Coaches and trainers can use RAST for anaerobic power assessment that does not require the use of sophisticated and expensive equipment.
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