Our research work has fixed as objective, to apprehend the report of mental preparation for athletic performance from a study of a population of Algerian athletes. Sports performance defined by Platonov, V.N (1984.) as being “the maximum possibilities of an individual in a discipline at a given moment in its development" involves several other determinants. And this definition has the interest to introduce "the concept of threshold or level of performance", which are quantifiable, as defined by time, distance, power. In contrast, the physical appearance which is much easier to quantify and evaluate, it seemed more that random to define this 'process' that unites a sports result in the specific field of the individual mind. And for this, we are interested in our study, this pane, in the matter of the psychological variables that differentiate individuals between them and to, "everything that distinguishes the champions of other normal individuals: differential psychology.'' Durand, M. (1987). And we asked why mental preparation is so important in the realization of the sports performance? What are its methods, how to determine its effectiveness? The intervention of the psychologist through a descriptive language full observation taken upstream, and has designed to try to understand that which is expressed, by his actions, emotions and attitudes in a stressful environment and in its "moments of great solitude." In other words, we are trying to assign to this mental factor 'discriminating quality' so coveted by the athlete and his coach.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.446
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Copyright (c) 2017 Benchehida Abd-el-Kader, Belmerabet Fatiha, Benchehida Khalida

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