Melek Güler, Mekki Abdioğlu


This research aims to investigate how tennis players' personality structures affect some variables related to the injuries they experience in sports. The research population consists of tennis players between the ages of 10-18 in Turkey. A total of 158 (female: 87, male: 71) tennis players between the ages of 10-18 who had at least one tennis-specific injury participated in the study. Demographic questions (gender, age, height, weight, time of sports injury, repetition of the same injury, and injury measure) used in the study were created by the researchers. The personality of the athlete was determined by the athlete himself, and the survey questions were determined by using the survey questions used in Kirişci's (2011) study. Data from tennis players were collected online via 'Google Form'. There is a low level of statistically positive correlation between re-experiencing the sports injury and the time of the sports injury (r=0.18, p=0.03). There is a low level of statistically positive correlation between the gender of the participants and taking precautions for sports injury (r=0.20, p=0.01). There is a low negative correlation between the gender of the participants and their athlete personality (r=26, p=0.001). There is no statistically significant difference between the participants' re-experiencing the same injury, taking precautions in sports injury, and athlete's personality (r=-0.013, p=0.87, r=0.010, p=0.90). It can be said that the sports injuries experienced by tennis players are related to their personality types and their gender. It can be said that injuries seen in tennis sports are more common during matches and women take more precautions for sports injuries than male athletes. In addition, it can be said that female athletes have both courageous-attentive and emotional-calm personality types, while males have the most courageous-active personality type.


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tennis, athlete personality, protection from injuries

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v9i1.4463


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