Ahamed Sakeer, Joniton Selliah


The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of playing chess on cognitive skills in schools under the chess association of Ampara district. A quantitative research approach was followed to analyze that respective objective under the chess association of Ampara district and identify the strategies chess players and coaches can take to improvise the impact of playing chess among the school students. Thirty students as an experimental group and thirty students as an control group from schools participated in this study. The experimental group underwent a ninety minutes of chess practice three-day per week over three months and the control group student’s regularly attended school activities after class. The experimental group’s performance on the test was not different from the control group’s performance. However, as per the statistical analysis control group, students achieved 50.13 on average while the experimental group students achieved 51.47 on average in the pre-test exam. In the post-test exam control group, students achieved 51.20 on average while in the experimental group students achieved 64.27 as on average. Based on the result there is a significant improvement in the cognitive skills of the experimental group after the chess training (p=0.000) and there is no significant improvement in the cognitive skills in the control group (p=0.174). Which shows the improvement in the cognitive skills of the students who are playing chess compared to the non-playing chess students. Moreover, all chess-related pupils should concentrate on the publicity of chess among the school students and give their full support to the best outcome for chess-playing students for their development of cognitive skills. Hence, the investigator successfully identified the impact of playing chess on the development of cognitive skills in schools under the chess association of Ampara district.


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chess, cognitive skills, the impact of chess, benefits of chess

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