Aydoğan Soygüden


This study was made to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the Erciyes mountain summit climbing routes and to obtain information about how the route names were formed. Erciyes Mountain has the title of the first mountain in the Central Anatolia Region and the 5th largest mountain in Türkiye. In terms of both winter tourism, mountain climbing, and highland tourism, it maintains its importance in every period of the year and is flooded with visitors. The study consists of interviews with 10 professional mountaineers, aged between 30 and 66, who carry out mountaineering activities in and around Erciyes Mountain. A questionnaire was prepared before the interview with professional mountaineers. In the survey questions, there are questions about the demographic information of professional mountaineers and the advantages and disadvantages of the Erciyes Mountain summit climbing routes. Telephone and face-to-face interviews were conducted with professional mountaineers. In the findings of the study, it is revealed that professional mountaineers have an emotional affinity with Erciyes Mountain. This emotional attachment is expressed as feelings for a lover. In the summit climb; 60% of the participants stated that they want to go out in the summer period. It has been determined that the most used route is the devil creek and the northern great ice routes. During the summer climbs, it has been stated that stone rupture poses a danger because Mount Erciyes is a volcanic mountain. In winter, there are difficulties due to weather conditions such as storms and avalanches. It was determined that 6 different routes were used by the participants in climbing the summit. These routes are indicated as the Devil Creek, the Devil's left lane (Nesrin Topkapi), the ridge, the northern glacier, the snow ice, and angel routes. As a result, Mount Erciyes is a mountain with a difficulty level above the medium level for experience purposes for people who have just started mountaineering. It is recommended that mountaineers with larger summit targets complete their high-altitude acclimation phase by climbing to the Erciyes summit.


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Mount Erciyes, summit climbing routes, formation of route names, advantages and disadvantages of routes

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Interviewed Mountain Climbers

İsmail Yılmaz, a face-to-face meeting was held on October 10, 2021. (Kayseri, Turkiye)

Yakup Yılmaz, a face-to-face meeting was held on October 10, 2021. (Kayseri, Turkiye)

Mehmet Özkan, a face-to-face meeting was held on October 10, 2021. (Kayseri, Turkiye)

Kemal Bayır, a telephone interview was made on January 5, 2022. (Kayseri, Turkiye)

Mustafa Karaahmet, a phone interview was made on January 5, 2022. (Kayseri, Turkiye)

Ziya Sakarya, a phone interview was made on January 10, 2022. (Kayseri, Turkiye)

İbrahim Kiraz, a phone interview was made on January 10, 2022. (Kayseri, Turkiye)

Sadık Doğru, a phone interview was made on January 11, 2022. (Kayseri, Turkiye)

Nazmi Yücel, a phone interview was made on January 12, 2022. (Kayseri, Turkiye)

Bilal Güvercin, a phone interview was made on January 13, 2022. (Kayseri, Turkiye)


Cem Temur, personal photos, 2022 (Kayseri, Turkiye)

Ramazan Bozkurt, personal photos, 2022 (Kayseri, Turkiye)



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