Stefania Dimopoulou


The EFQM Excellence Model, which is a scale based on the rules of total quality management, is applied to companies, both in the private and public sectors, with the aim of better satisfying both consumers and employees (Foncera, Amaral and Oliveira, 2021). The purpose of the present paper was to record employees' perceptions of the EFQM Excellence Model in mega sports organizations. It was hypothesized that the average of the five criteria namely Leadership, Human Resources, Strategy and Policy, Suppliers / Sponsors / Resources, and Procedures that they constitute the enablers, would not differ significantly from the average of the four results criteria namely Results for customers, Results of Human Resources, Results for society and Performance Results that they constitute the results. Ninety-nine employees of Peace and Friendship Stadium, who agreed to take part in the study completed the questionnaire of the Administrative Excellence of Greek Sports Organizations (Karastathis, Afthinos, Gargalianos, 2014), which was modified accordingly for the purpose of the study. The reliability check produced a Cronbach's α index of 0.88, while the corresponding indices for the 9 criteria ranged from 0.77 to 0.90. After the analysis of the data carried out with descriptive statistics and the Wilcoxon test, it was founded that there was a statistically significant difference between the five and four model’s criteria (3.77±0.35 vs. 3.30±0.34, z=-8.391, p<0.001). It is concluded that the perceptions of the employees of the Peace and Friendship stadium are positive for the criteria of the conditions of the European model of business excellence and less positive for its results.

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total quality management, business excellence, sports organizations, EFQM model

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v9i3.4591


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