Faik Ardahan, Belgin Yakut Tekmenüray


The aim of this study is to compare the recreational barriers of mothers with 0-2-year-old children according to some demographic variables. The study is a descriptive study and is limited to mothers with children between the ages of 0-2. The random sampling method was used in this study and the sample group consisted of 213 mothers (Xage = 29.33 ± 4.78). In this study, a questionnaire form consisting of two parts was used as a data collection tool. There were questions about the demographic information of mothers in the first part, and there was Mothers' Recreational Barriers Scale (RBOMS-02) developed by Ardahan and Yakut Tekmenüray (2022) in the second part. The questionnaire was applied to mothers who were waiting at the pediatric outpatient clinics of Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine and Antalya Training and Research Hospital, and who voluntarily participated in the study, in stores selling baby/child supplies in the city center of Antalya between 1st October and 15th December 2019. In the evaluation of the data, besides descriptive statistics, Independent-Samples T Test in independent samples, ANOVA test and LSD test were used to determine between which groups the difference was. The results were questioned at the 0.01 and 0.05 significance level. When the recreational barriers of mothers are examined according to the "education level" variable; there is a statistically significant difference in the disadvantage of primary school graduate mothers in sub-dimensions of physical perception and health, family and others' pressure. When the recreational barriers of mothers are examined according to the variable "place of work", there is a statistically significant difference in favor of housewife, unemployed and student mothers in the "caregiver-sourced" sub-dimension. When the recreational barriers of mothers are analyzed according to the "family income" variable, there is a statistically significant difference in the disadvantage of low-income mothers in sub-dimensions of insufficient budgets/access to expensive and transportation barriers. As a result, in a society where it is difficult to be a woman, having children between the ages of 0-2 puts a burden on mothers' lives and causes them to continue their lives with many recreational obstacles.


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mother with child, recreational barriers, age 0-2, recreation

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