The purpose of this research is to analyze the contribution of coordination, balance, flexibility, arm muscle strength to the kizami-gyaku zuki punch of female athletes. The background to this research is from observations of the qualifying round at the 2023 National Sports Week (PON), on average female athletes earn points from punches. This research is an analytical survey to test the contribution of the independent variables. The sample was 50 female athletes with characteristics namely age 19.8±1.2 years, training experience 8.3±0.6 years, weight 50±1.5 kg, height 160.4±1.5 cm. The tests carried out included coordination using the Hand-Wall Toss Test, balance using the Modified Bass Test of Dynamic Balance, flexibility using the sit and reach test, arm muscle strength using push up for 1 minute, kizami-gyaku zuki punches using a punching bag during 30 seconds. The results of this research show that coordination, flexibility, and arm muscle strength have an effect on kizami-gyaku zuki punches. However, balance has no effect on the kizami-gyaku zuki punches. Adjusted R Square results, the contribution from coordination (r = 0.341) or 34.1%, balance (r = 0.235) or 23.5%, flexibility (r = 0.490) or 49%, arm muscle strength (r = 0.465) or 46.5%, contribution overall against kizami-gyaku zuki punch (r = 0.674) or 67.4%. The conclusion is that it is important for trainers, athletes, and sports karate academics to focus on these four physical components so that the kumite abilities of female athletes can be improved. However, it is important to train in other physical components, such as endurance, technique and tactics and mental. Future research is expected to add variables or update the types of tests used in this research.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Kurnia Zatta Almas, L. Lismadiana, T. Tomoliyus, Awan Hariono, D. Danardono, Trisnar Adi Prabowo, Nur Hikmah

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